Here are generic CVS server instructions:

(1) Get an SSH Public key installed on cvs.am-utils.org.  You can generate a
    public/private key pair using ssh-keygen(1).  Then copy the key into
    your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on cvs.am-utils.org.  If you don't have
    login access on cvs.am-utils.org, then email

(2) Then, check out a fresh copy of 6.2 (development branch)

$ export CVS_RSH=ssh
$ cvs -d ${USER}@cvs.am-utils.org:/home/cvsroot checkout am-utils

    Or, to checkout the stable branch:

$ cvs -d ${USER}@cvs.am-utils.org:/home/cvsroot checkout -r amd-6-1-stable am-utils

    Or, to checkout the legacy branch:

$ cvs -d ${USER}@cvs.am-utils.org:/home/cvsroot checkout -r amd-6-0-stable am-utils

(3) Then you can do normal edit, commit, update, etc. without having to
    worry about your $CVSROOT or the -d option.  Just remember to keep
    setting CVS_RSH=ssh in your environment (or put it in your
    .profile/.login file).

To merge changes from the stable branch into the main (development) branch:

$ cvs update -j amd-6-1-stable -kk

- don't worry about all the files that change; it's probably because of cvs
  keywords in the sources

- after the merge, do a 'cvs update -d' and resolve any conflicts

Nevertheless, please exercise caution when merging branches.
