The folders in this folder contain Mac versions of the Marvosym fount and 
configuration files to set up OzTeX to use these founts. To use them with 
LaTeX, you also need the marvosym package used by everyone else, kept in 
the folder above this.

This Mac version of Marvosym is based on the Y&Y re-worked version of 
Marvosym, and the metrics are very slightly different to the original.  
For this reason, you should use the tfm file in OzTeX:TeX-fonts:Misc: 
rather than the original tfm file.

The system fount files themselves are kept in the file the_font.bin, which 
is a MacBinary encoded Stuffit compressed archive. This should not be 
decoded or decompressed until it's safely on a Mac. StuffitExpander from will do the job.