print "Content-type: text/html\n\n\n\n";
### Get the name of the file being requested.
my $Temp = $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'};
my $Cvs = $Temp;
### Split the url by "/".
my (@Junk) = split(/\//, $Cvs);
### Get the end of the url, which is the filename.
my $File = pop @Junk;
$Cvs =~ s/[^\/]+$//g;
### Attach the document root directory so we get the complete path to the
### file on our computer server. Also, attach the CVS/Entries name so that
### we get the CVS information.
$Cvs = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} . $Cvs . "CVS/Entries";
### Open the file, and if we find a match, record it to $Match
my $Match = "";
while (my $Line = )
if ($Line =~ /$File/) {$Match = $Line; chomp $Line}
close FILE;
### If match is not found, print not found, otherwise get the information.
if ($Match eq "") {print "No CVS information found. '$File'\n";}
### Get the information we want and print it out.
my ($Junk,$File,$Version,$Date,@Junk) = split(/\//, $Match);
print "Version $Version : Date Last Changed $Date\n";